Abogado / Socio
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Nacido en Granada el 27 de Enero de 1.962, es Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Granada, promoción 1980-1985. En el año 1985, se incorporó como ejerciente al Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Granada. Y el mismo año se incorporó igualmente al despacho familiar inicialmente como Abogado y dos años más tarde como socio. Desde 2.010 es Socio Director de dicho despacho.

En cuando a su práctica como abogado y asesor jurídico, ha sido asesor jurídico externo desde el año 1.989 de varias entidades bancarias y financieras de primer orden (Caja Rural de Granada, Caja General de Ahorros de Granada, Banco de Jerez, Banco Granada Jerez), y desde 1.996 hasta el momento actual de la Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona (hoy Caixabank,S.A.) así como de importantes sociedades de diversos sectores productivos (Axesor-Infotel, Grupo Uralita, CECE, Hoteles Robinson, etc.) y compañías de seguros (Helvetia, etc.).

Desde Octubre de 1.985, viene representando a sociedades y a particulares en todo tipo litigios en las jurisdicciones civil (mercantil, bancario, societario, inmobiliario, familia, sucesiones, etc.), laboral y contencioso administrativa, y especialmente a clientes extranjeros de habla inglesa en sus inversiones y litigios en España. Se encuentra en posesión de los certificados conocidos como Certificate in Advanced English (C-1 Advanced) y el International Legal English Certificate (ILEC) expedidos por Cambridge Assessment.

Es administrador y consejero de diversas sociedades mercantiles de diverso ámbito. En el año 2012 se incorpora como socio fundador a ACJ ABOGADOS, siendo responsable de la sede de dicha entidad en Granada.

En los últimos años se ha especializado en la gestión y gobernanza de empresas, habiendo realizado programas de corta, media y larga duración en las más prestigiosas escuelas de negocios españolas como el IESE, ESADE, ICADE o San Telmo Business School , entidad esta última en la que realizó en el curso 2016-17 el Programa de Perfeccionamiento Directivo, y en 2021 el Programa de Especialización en Gobierno de la Empresa.

Since 2016, Pedro Hernandez-Carrillo Fuentes has been the Managing Partner of Hernandez-Carrillo Abogados, a prestigious law firm in Granada which has been defending the interests of its clients in all kinds of legal matters for over 100 years.

He has been the secretary of the Group of Commercial Law Lawyers for the Bar Association of Granada and a speaker on a variety of  different courses.

Pedro practises as a lawyer and legal advisor.  He has been  an external legal advisor for various top-flight banking and financial  institutions (Caja Rural de Granada, Caja General de Ahorros de Granada, Banco de Jerez) since 1989 and, since 1996, he has performed the same role  for Caja de Ahorros y Pensiones de Barcelona ( currently known as Caixabank,S.A). He has also provided legal advisory services for major companies in a  range of  different productive sectors (Axesor-Infotel, Grupo Uralita, CECE, Hoteles Robinson, etc.).

Since October 1985, the year in which he became a member of the Bar Association of Granada, he has been representing companies and individuals in all types of disputes in the civil jurisdictions (Commercial Law, Banking Law, Company Law, Real Estate Law, Family Law, Inheritance Law, etc.),  as well as in the  employment jurisdiction  and the contentious administrative jurisdiction. A special area of his work has been representing foreign English-speaking clients in their investments and disputes in Spain.

During these thirty-five years of professional practice, he has built up his career as a legal advisor and litigator in courts and tribunals all over Spain, achieving major successes in the defence of the interests of all types of clients.

He is the administrator and consultant for  a wide range of commercial companies that operate in many fields.

He is the head of the departments of Banking Law, Commercial Law, Employment Law, and  Family and inheritance Law at Hernandez-Carrillo Abogados

He is in charge of the Granada branch of ACJ ABOGADOS,  .

Training and Education

Pedro is continuously improving and updating his  professional knowledge.

Between October and December 2020, he successfully completed the LEGAL TECH programme at  the ESDAE Business School

He is currently preparing for the TOLES Advanced exam in Legal English.

In 2019, he completed the Functions, Responsibilities and Risks for Consultants and Administrators programme at the Pontificia de Comillas ICAI-ICADE University in Madrid.

In 2018, he completed the Fundamentals of Family Companies programme at San Telmo Business School in Malaga.  During the same year, he also completed the Business Development for Professional Services Companies programme at the  IESE Business School- University of Navarra at the Madrid centre.

On the 30th of June 2017, he successfully completed the  Advanced Management Training Programme (academic year: 2016-2017) delivered by the prestigious San Telmo Business School (Malaga).

He obtained the International Legal English Certificate (ILEC) in 2016 and the  Certificate in Advanced English in 2014, both from the University of Cambridge.  He is accredited as a Civil Mediator and a Commercial Mediator and is also a certified Compliance Officer.

He holds a master’s degree in tax law Consultancy for Companies from the Centre of Fiscal Studies.  He has also completed specialisation courses in a wide range of areas, including data protection and the law,  the legal issues arising from electronic commerce, commercial companies, bankruptcy and insolvency law, liability for administrators of commercial companies, banking law, and the 2012 labour reform.  These courses were taken at the Company Institute and other prestigious institutions.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Granada (1980-1985). He is a lawyer and became a member of the Bar Association of Granada in 1985.